Thursday, 31 March 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Basil & Smoochie

being uber, mega thoughtless with

Poor Parsley accidentally took a little dip in the pond, he was totally fine, just his ego slightly dented.  I did warn him that the rockery stones were a tad wobbly but he was insistent he wanted to get closer to the frog.... he won't be doing that again in a hurry.

Smooch had a good chuckle as did I, sadly the P.A. wasn't quick enough to snap any pictures as he bolted like a streak of lightning to the back of the garden after his most unceremonious scramble from the pond of doom and sulked behind a bush fur the next hour.  Not even the shake of the Dreamie bag and purromise of treats would lure him from his stupor.

On that note we'll get hopping and hopefully stay dry! 

Wishing mew all a day of delights

Bestest purrs

Basil xox

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!"

And mew can also join in the 
Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Wordless on Wednesday with Humphrey

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Greetings and many salutations wunderpurr furriends

We hope mew all had a supurr weekend

So sorry we didn't get to post yesterday fur the Pirate Q&A, we got a little distracted in the garden instead, but not to worry, we'll catch up with part 5 fur next week.

As mew can see we've been busy offur the weekend, Humphrey was the Garden Overlord, whoops sorry Overseer, and as he's the eldest and grumpiest cat in Sweepy Ville at the moment he took prime position in the sunshine on the millwheel.  

He was most disgruntled to find out that the catmint is only just sprutting and is in no way ready fur a mass sniffing, chomping, rolling, biting, ripping and pulling session.  Mew can imagine his horror when he realised this - all I can say to that is MOL MOL MOL oh and MOL MOL MOL!!!!

We and what I mean by we is, the P.A. got the two raised beds planted with Gladi's, Dahlia's, Anemones, Gypsophila, Alium, and others that I just can't remember right now... well let's just say she planted blue ones, purple ones, yellow ones, white ones, red ones, pink ones, orange ones, etc, in fact I think it's easier to say the raised beds will be like a flowery rainbow if all goes to plan.

We all took turns to help of course.   Smooch rolled on the soil as she was trying to dig the holes, filling them in as fast as they were dug, Parsley tried to reposition the bulbs, so he says to a more upright and beneficial position - in reality it was more like fish them out and flick them somewhere else.  I sat and meowed fur food the entire time.  Amber played the chase the bulb packet around the courtyard and Snowie, well let's just say Snowie was assisting with the ankle weaving/tripping up thing and doing a most marvellous job of it.

Then it began to rain halfway through, so we all dutifully abandoned the P.A. and went indoors and watched from the french doors in the kitchen as it bucketed down and she got soaked. [MOL MOL don't tell her we laughed! MOL] 

All in all we did a fab job and are most proud of our uber, mega gardening skillz, the P.A. would be completely and utterly lost without our help and neffer get anything down unless we were supurrvising. 

This got me to wundering if all hoomans were the same, and needed constant surrpivision fur effury task they do....??? so we'll finish with a quick question...

Do mew supurrvise your hoomans with their daily activites? 

See mew on the morrow when we'll be here with much thoughtless abandon


Basil xox

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Sunday, 27 March 2016

Sunday Selfies #85 HAPPY EASTER

Sunday greetings pawesome furriends

Today we are all on the lookout for the Easter Bunny and catnip filled eggs of course! MOL

So our theme today is:

Eggstatic Expectations 

Don't furget to join in the fabulous Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their pawesome blog:

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Friday, 25 March 2016

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 137 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou

Welcome to a complete egg-stravaganza on the blog today!

We hope that mew've all had a supurr week and that spring has sprung a little more in your corner of the wurld.

The bulbs from last week haven't been planted yet, just in case mew are wundering, as the old fence is being replaced and we didn't want them being trampled on.  We will let mew know when the deed is done and all bulbs are happily bathing in soil. 

I also asked the P.A. if we were getting any catnip filled Easter eggs this year and having a hunt fur them in the garden, she said... "I'll let you know."

Paws crossed fur this event to occur as it's great fun and I've got my bunny ears on especially.  Amber is rubbish as she really doesn't like being outside too much, especially if the P.A. isn't there [we think she's a little agoraphobic]  Smoochie is a great hunter as is Parsley so I think I'll have my wurk cut out with those 2, and the seniors aka Humphrey and Snowie won't be too bothered and will expect the eggs to be delivered direct to their baskets! MOL MOL

Do mew get special treats at Easter?

In other news, as it's Easter we've decided to make my book, Basil the Bionic Cat FREE just because we can.  So if mew'd like to get your uber cute, furry, little mittens on a copy of my supurr adventure, be our guest as we just love to share the love!

Basil the Bionic Cat

FREE 25th - 28th March

at Amazon Effurywhere ~ Just Click the Link below to get your copy and feel free to share love

Amazon Universal Buy Link

If mew missed anything thing this week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal:

We'll be back with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, probably in full Easter regalia so we hope mew can join us then.

Bestest purrs & hugs

Basil & Co xox

To see this weeks


just pop over to:

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Thursday, 24 March 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday With Smoochie

Many greetings wunderpurr furriends

Welcome to another completely Thoughtless Thursday with Senor Le Smooch who just happens to be sharing his uber white, fluffy cuteness with thoughtless abandon today.

Mew know I say that I sometimes wunder about his mental stability, [which is highly debatable even on a good day] but aside from that small issue of him not being a full picnic, he's the total bestest effur, and to say he only has three legs he can sure keep up with the rest of us.  Even putting us to shame at times, we all love our little bebe Smoochums.

And before I furget, the P.A. asked me to post a little update on the Smoochinating purroblem from a few weeks ago.

The laptop did resurrect enough fur the P.A. to back effurything up and then it RIP'd permanently. 

So effurything that took his fancy has been removed from the house and is still stashed.

The extra feeding stations were placed on pee points - there has been no more incidents at these locations.

The Feliway plug-in's are still in action - the P.A. says it's a shame they don't wurk on hoomans! MOL

The P.A. installed a WiFi camera to watch us, and she caught footage of the little heathen [I use this term in an endearing way FYI] piddling on the floor in front of the kitchen sink.

He's moved away from peeing on softness to peeing on the hard floor, but it was marking up tail in the air, not having a pee because he needed one.  So now there's a litter tray next to the sink on the floor obviously, and since its arrival no more pee on the floor.  

So we'll see how that goes and update mew in a few weeks, by which time the extra tray will hopefully not be needed in that purrticular local any more.

Wishing mew all a day of delights

Bestest purrs

Basil xox

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Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

glitter maker

And mew can also join in the 
Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

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Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Wordless on Wednesday with Miss Snowie

Wordless on Wednesday
with supurr snoozy 


I don't know if it's the same in your home, but effurypurrdy here swaps beds like effury 5 minutes. 

 In fact it's just like mewsical beds!!! MOL

The P.A. says this would be the mewsic if we had any...

Benny Hill Show Theme Tune

[Fur those of mew who have neffur heard of  Benny Hill;  it was a furry funny comedy in the UK which ran from the mid 1950's to the late 1980's]

There are a couple of  'prime-real-estate' spots which I try to command at all times, but sometimes with so many of us I do miss out on 'LE SPOT!' 

So who's the main bed hopper in your house?


Basil xox

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Sunday, 20 March 2016

Sunday Selfies #84

Sunday greetings pawesome furriends,

Today we are all feeling a little lethargic, the snoozies have got the better of us...

So our theme today is:


Don't furget to join in the fabulous Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their pawesome blog:

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