Tuesday, 31 December 2019

HAPPY NEW YEAR on The Pet Parade 333 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

Dearest Furriends

We'd like to wish mew all an epically epic 

Happy New Year 2020 ©BionicBasil®

Happy New Year 2020 from Basil & The B Team ©BionicBasil®

We wish mew many blessings, great health, much harmony and oodles of happiness for 2020

May all your dreams come true!

If mew've missed any of the posts offur the last week, here's the catch up links:

Boxing Day Special

Amber will be back on Friday with her furst book review of 2020, if mew'd like to join her for that she'd love your company in the library, and in the meantime we hope mew're having a supurr start to 2020! 

Best New Years purrs

Wing Commander Basil The B Team

Now let's HOP on... 
The NEW Pet Parade Banner 2019

Go visit our pawesome host

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Follow @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence www.canva.com www.pizap.com & Pixaloop IOS APP

Monday, 30 December 2019

Crafting With Cats ~ Part XVII ~ Catmas Special Part IV ~ Catmas Catnip Toys ~ Level Easy

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special Banner ©BionicBasil®

Supurr Greetings Pawesome Pals

Thanks fur joining fur us fur Part XVII of our Crafting with Cats segment, the last one of the Catmas Special posts, and the very last crafting one for 2019.  But neffur fear, next year we've got some amazing things lined up, starting in February just in time for Valentines Day.

And if mew missed Part One of our Catmas Crafting Extravaganza; How to Make a Purrsonalised Catmas Stocking ~ click here.  For Part II, how to make the Bahumbug Burlap Cat and Part III, how to make the epically epic Catmas Pudding which effury kitty on the planet will want! MOL
All of our previous CWC posts are on the Crafting with Cats Page, and mew don't have to be an expert in anything to make any of them.  Plus we offer workarounds and no-sew projects for those who don't like to sew.

*    *    *
**A quick note before we begin**

All Crafting with Cats ideas and creations are of our own design and we share them fur purrsonal/home use only.

  So purrlease do not copy fur commercial/resale purrposes.

Copyright ©BionicBasil®

*    *    *
Candy Cane Divider

This time we're making these pawesome

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toys with Fudge

What Mew Will Need:

Felt squares in different colours

Mini poms poms

Ribbons, trim etc...


Catnip ~ we use our homegrown organic nip

Needle/thread/scissors/chalk/sewing machine 

Optional Cat ~ Smooch was today's Craft Room Snoopervisor

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toy with Snoopervisor Smooch

Catmas Divider

Lets Get Started

Furst up is Fudge's Fabulous Gingerbread Purrson

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toy - Gingerbread Purrson

1. &  2.  Mew can download our pattern here. Then cut out 2 x purrsons.

3. & 4.  Pin together, and sew around edge leaving the bottom of the legs open.

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toy - Gingerbread Purrson

5. & 6.  Get your stuffing and catnip, and stuff to your desired level.

7.  Mew should now have something that looks like this.

8.  Use pom poms for eyes and buttons.  Cut a smile from the black felt.  Hand-stitch in place, and mew should now have your very own gingerbread purrson like this.


Melvyn's Catnip Candy Cane Kicker

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toy - Candy Cane

1. Make a pattern, ours are always approx A4 size.

2. Cut out 2 x white candy canes.

3. & 4. Cut several strips of red felt and pin to candy canes. Then stitch in place.

5.  Trim edges, and they should now look like this.

6.  Place both candy canes together and stitch around the edge leaving the bottom open.

7.  Stuff with catnip and stuffing until quite full, and sew up the bottom edge.

8. Mew should now have a lovely catnip candy cane kicker.


Smooch's Snowman

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toy - Smooch's Snowman

1. & 2.  Gather supplies and make a template.  Cut out 2 x snowman shape.

3.  & 4.  Sew together, leaving a gap to stuff.  Stuff with catnip and wadding to your desired level.

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toy - Smooch's Snowman

5. Sew up gap, and mew should now have something like this.

6.  Make a top hat, and use one of the pom poms as his nose, we shaped ours to look like a carrot! MOL

7. Use a small length of felt for the scarf and use pom poms for buttons.  We cut tiny black triangles for his eyes. Hand-stitch items securely in place, and your snowman should look like this.


Parsley's Catmas Tree

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toy - Parsley's Catmas Tree

1. &  2.  Cut out 2 x Catmas trees

3.  Sew together, leaving a gap. Fill with wadding and catnip, then sew up gap.

4.  Sew on lots of pom poms securely, and add a small felt star.  Your Catmas tree should now look something like this.


Pandora's Catmas Bauble

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toy - Pandora's Catmas Bauble

1. Cut out bauble template. Mark up 2 x bauble shapes on felt.

2.  On one piece, place your ribbons, pin and stitch in place.

3. Cut both pieces out, pin together and sew, leaving a gap. Stuff to your desired level, add lots of catnip.

4. Sew up gap and mew should now have a supurr sparkly catnip bauble.


Amber's Catmas Catnip Candle is made from our basic kicker toy template which mew can find here


Aftur all that effort, mew should now have several cute toys that look something like this!

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toys

The toys are a huge hit with The B Team, and if mew missed Smooch yesterday, click here

Crafting with Cats Catmas Special - Part 4  ©BionicBasil® Catmas Catnip Toys with Melvyn and Amber


Health and Safety

Here at BBHQ, the toys with pom poms on are only available to The B Team when the P.A. is snoopervising the play session.  Plus she makes extra sure the pom poms are stitched very securely in place; however kitties have sharp claws and teeth, so we recommend this:

**Use pom pom toys under supervision only.  Check the toys for loose bits before and after each and every play session; either re-sew securely if anything has come loose, or cut pom poms off**

Or mew can just make the toys without the pom poms.  If your kitty is a total heathen toy destroyer, definitely make the toys without the pom poms! 

Mew should regularly check shop bought toys too, and throw away anything that is damaged, broken or defective.

*    *    *

And that furriends furry sadly brings us to the end of our 17th Crafting with Cats post, we do hope mew liked our Catmas Crafting Extravaganza and if mew decide to make any of the projects, we'd love to see; so feel free to post your pawesome crafty pics on our Facebook page at:

We'll be back on the Wednesday with The New Years Pet Parade  and do hope mew can join us then.

Bestest crafty purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at InstacatTwitter and Facebook

We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, crafting addictions, glue on cats, paper cuts, misplaced pins and needles, cats stealing your supplies, broken scissors, cat fur stuck on your projects, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from use of any Crafting With Cats posts we may share.
Graphics created with paid licence www.canva.com and www.pizap.com

Sunday, 29 December 2019

Look Who's Hogging All The Toys And Fudge's Catmas Surprise at BBHQ on The Sunday Selfies & Caturday Art Blog Hops

Fabulous greetings pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and today our theme is:

Look Who's Hogging All The Toys

Look Who's Hogging All The Toys ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies

It's official, Smooch is this years toy hog, anyone would think he was deprived! MOL MOL MOL

So anyhoo, we all got a Catmas Stocking with a special toy in this year, and this is what happened when Fudge saw his stocking...

Fudge's Catmas Surprise

Fudge Sees His Pressie ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies


We're also joining in the lovely Athena's Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.


Fudge Sees His Pressie ©BionicBasil® Caturday Art

The effect was created with Befunky - Oil painting DLX

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop bu the puzzle page and see if mew can beat our time of 8 mins 32 secs.  A lot quicker than last weeks! MOL

Anyhoo it's time for us to go on relax on the Catmas Pudding again, yes we're still loving it! MOL  So we do hope mew have a pawesome day, and we'll see mew on the morrow when we're back with our last Crafting with Cats Catmas Special, showing mew all the toys above so do stop by if mew get chance.

Wishing mew lots of snoozy snuggles

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & The B Team

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil®  on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence @www.canva.com & www.pizap.com & www.befunky.com

Thursday, 26 December 2019

HAPPY BOXING DAY **The Best Boxes of 2019 Revisited**

Welcome to our Boxing Day Special

Featuring the best boxes of 2019 and one from 2018, mew'll know which one that is!!


Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Boxing Day Special with The B Team at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

We hope mew've enjoyed our Boxing Day Pics, and see mew on Sunday when we're back with some fun selfies, until then...

Keep calm, and have some festive fun

Wing Commander Basil and The B Team  

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat, Twitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence www.canva.com