Showing posts with label Posie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Posie. Show all posts

Friday, 18 August 2023

**FRIDAY FLUFFERS** **ANGEL EDITION** Showcasing The Latest Batch of Photo Bloopers From The BBHQ Archives Starring Angels Posie, Humphrey and Snowie ~ PLUS Friendly Fill-Ins

Welcome to

The B Team's Friday Fluffers Banner ©BionicBasil® July 2023

Happy Friyay Fab Pals

Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would neffur see the light of day, buried deep, deep, deep in the archives on level 12 of our secret bunker, with no chance of effur being seen on the interwebs fur the wurld to see... UNTIL NOW!

Are mew ready fur some fun outtakes from The B Team? Of course, mew are!

And furst on the podium is 

Angel Posie's Fluffy Fail

Friday Fluffers ©BionicBasil® Angel Posie's Fluffy Fail
 Date: August 2008

Posie wasn't the most lady-like of cats, she would always sleep like this! MOL

We feel a fig leaf is in order.

Next up is

Angel Humphrey's Santa Paws Fail

Friday Fluffers ©BionicBasil® Angel Humphrey's Santa Paws Fail
 Date: December 2009

Poor Humphrey, he just wasn't cut out to wear a Santa Paws jacket and he protested most vehemently by laying totally inert on the kitchen floor! MOL

And finally 

 Angel Snowie's Sneaky Fail

Friday Fluffers ©BionicBasil® Angel Snowie's Sneaky Fail
Date: November 2007

Snowie loved getting into boxes, and she would also sneak under things and then spy on mew. In this pic she'd managed to get herself under the papers in the box and didn't think anybody knew where she was! MOL

This week we're also joining in Friday Fill-ins with the fabulous 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
1. A sight I would like to unsee is __________________________.
2. I plan to __________________________ before the summer is over.
3. I sometimes forget that _________ isn’t considered normal by most.
4. If my life were a book, the current chapter I’m in would be titled _________.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. A sight I would like to unsee is __________________________. There are too many to mention, but I will say any horror movie I've had the terrible misfortune to stumble upon while watching/flicking through the tv channels would fit into this category.

2. I plan to try and paint the vintage wine pump before the summer is over. It needs pressure washing, then sanding, undercoating and glossing. But if it doesn't get done, then it'll just go on the list again for next summer! LOL (It's been on the list for two years - sssshhhhhh!)

3. I sometimes forget that having more than a couple of cats isn’t considered normal by most. Now, I know some of you have way more cats than me, and I love that, as seriously I'd have oodles more if possible. Years ago, if anyone asked how many cats I had, and I replied six, they'd look at me like I was deranged. It's not so bad now, as cats pretty much rule the internet.

4. If my life were a book, the current chapter I’m in would be titled Apathy Reigns Supreme. I think that says it all, I am hoping this is just a mid-life phase, and I can get my zest back at some point.


We do hope mew enjoyed today's fluffers, and we'll be back next Friyay with more funny photos.

Join us again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection
and Smooch's Historic UK Travel Guidein the meantime...

Keep calm, and purr on

Supurr purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Monday, 2 August 2021

Welcome To 8 Things About... And Today It's All About Angel Posie **Plus** TOP SECRET BONUS INTEL

8 Things About The B Team Banner 10 cats, questions, about, cat life

WOO HOO pawesome furiends

So what's this 8 Things About??! we hear mew ask. Well, fabulous furiends it could be 8 things about anything, but today it's all about...

Posie Banner BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Posie departed for the Rainbow Bridge in April of 2015 but that doesn't mean she isn't still a part of The B Team, she left a great big paw-print on our hearts.

8 Things About Angel Posie

1. Posie arrived at BBHQ in the Spring of 2000.  The P.A. went to the rescue to see Posie, who was described as; not suitable for rehoming as she was a little aggressive. She'd been a Christmas kitten and obviously soon after the festive novelties wore off, poor Posie found herself homeless. She was found on an inner-city housing estate looking rather bedraggled and in a bit of a bad temper.

The P.A. remembered the first time she saw Posie, although she can't remember the name the rescue gave her. The P.A. said she looked really grubby and was rather feisty and vocal in her outdoor pen, there was no chance of any interaction at all. Who knows what had happened to her, but from her behaviour, it couldn't have been very nice. Anyhoo, long story short, the P.A. brought her home as she knew that this little cat didn't have a chance of getting a home.

8 Things About at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Angel Posie

2. Posie was never a lap cat, her early life experiences ruined that for her.  Although she slowly accepted the odd cuddle and she did like a bit of brush after many years of perseverance. In fact, Pandora is very similar to Posie in a lot of ways. Above, is how Posie loved to relax.

8 Things About at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Angel Posie

3. In this pic from 2008, above, OMC was Posie hissed off!  The old kitchen cabinets were being ripped out and redone, so the doors were all shut and she couldn't get to the lounge - she gripped and grumbled for days.

8 Things About at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Angel Posie

4. She also liked to go to next door to the P.A's Uncle's place. He had a fake Well in his garden (A lot of English peeps have fake Wells, don't ask us why, because we don't know!).  Anyhoo, Posie would sometimes get inside the little roof and hang out. 

8 Things About at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Angel Posie

5. Posie adored being in the garden and outside. And in the early days at BBHQ, the P.A. had some comfy chairs under the carport and that's where Posie, Snowie, Mildred and Humphrey would be waiting when she got home from work in the evening.

8 Things About at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Angel Posie

6. Posie loved the sofa, that was her main spot to snooze and she loved a fresh blanket. Often Snowie would be nesting in one of the cushions behind her on the back of the sofa. 

7. She also liked to play, and loved a bit of catnip.  She liked to remove the decorations off the bottom of the Christmas Tree too, apparently, that was good overnight sport! MOL 

8 Things About at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Angel Posie

8. Posie was such a pretty cat with the most amazing golden eyes. We miss her feisty, diva-esque ways, and we miss her cuteness because she was adorable, bad-tempered but totally adorable!  


 Posie was terrible to crate, so the one thing Dad and the P.A. don't miss is trips to the vet with the whirling dervish. The P.A. would wear thick leather gauntlets to wear while getting her into the crate or box. Over the years they tried all types of crates; front loaders, side loaders, top loaders. Wire ones so it wasn't so confining, also bags with mesh sides and top. Posie hated each and every one with a passion.

Also, the P.A. would take the gloves with her to the vet and wear them during the visit. Better that than scratched hands if Posie decided she didn't like that particular vet, on that day.

She also had lots of names: Flumpy, The Flumpster, Pose, Miss Grizzle, Grizzelda, Princess Powderpuff, just to name a few! MOL

Although Posie was a feisty diva, we're just glad that after a really rough start in life, she got a forever home on her terms. 

Adopt Don't Shop ©BionicBasil®

And that sadly brings us to the end of 8 Things About Angel Posie, we do hope mew enjoyed getting to know her a bit more and we'll be back on Wednesday so do join us then.
If mew missed any of our previous '8 Things About' posts, here are the links so far:

Thanks so much for visiting today and we'll be back on Wednesday, so do join us then.

Pawesome purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on Instacat

 graphics created with paid licence 

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Basil & The B Team Halloween Selfies on The Sunday Selfies & Caturday Art Blog Hops

Sunday Selfies Halloween Banner ©BionicBasil®

Fabulous greetings pawesome pals

As this is the last Sunday before Halloween, we're getting our spooky selfie done today!

Basil & The B Team Halloween Selfie 

Basil & The B Team Spooky Halloween Selfies ©BionicBasil®

Mogwarts here we come! MOL

We're also joining in the lovely Athena's Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

Basil & The B Team Spooky Halloween Selfies ©BionicBasil® Caturday Art

The effect was created with Befunky - Artsy Sepia  Effect +  Grunge Border. We think it turned our purretty neat!

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and see if mew can beat our time of 9 mins 17 secs. Slightly quicker than last weeks, thank cod! MOL

Anyhoo it's time for us to go check on Amber's pawty as it moved down to Level 8 in the bunker, so now we've got a totally tropical vibe happening in the bio-sphere as the weather took a turn for the wurse late last night and the heavens opened, so do come and join us if mew feel like pawtying on and if not we do hope mew have a totally terrific day.

Wishing mew lots of fun and we'll see mew on the morrow.

Supurr Sunday Purrs

Basil & The B Team

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

Free Fun Activities

And don't furget while we're all on lockdown, we The B Team have got your six and can entertain mew fur weeks; there are oodles of colouring pages to download and not furgetting the colouring books too.  There's a page full of crafting projects to keep your mittens making stuff, and if books are your thing, check our Amber's Book Reviews fur your next pawesome read! 

There are some epically exciting adventure stories too, so read our thrilling tales episode by epic episode.

We've got some new Brain Training posts, just to keep your little grey cells in tip-top condition. And we’ll be adding extra jigsaw puzzles to the puzzle page.

If mew want to see more of what's happening at BBHQ, check out our Instagram feed where mew can see our daily diary and exclusive videos that we don't put here on the blog.

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil®  on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence &

Sunday, 20 September 2020

iHeart Mew Selfie by Smooch on The Sunday Selfies & Caturday Art Blog Hops

BBHQ The B Team Sunday Selfies @BionicBasil ®

Fabulous greetings pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and today our theme is:

 iHeart Mew Selfie by Smooch 

iHeart Mew Selfie by Smooch ©BionicBasil® The Sunday Selfies

Smooch is spreading the love through the blogosphere today with his special little heart, isn't it adorable? 

We're also joining in the lovely Athena's Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

iHeart Mew Selfie by Smooch ©BionicBasil® Caturday Art

We decided to switch things up again and use our Prisma app on the iPhone for our arty-farty effect.

 This one is called - Dandelion, go on make a wish! 

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and see if mew can beat our time of 8 mins 25 secs. Quicker than last weeks! MOL

Anyhoo it's time for us to go on kitty patrol around the garden before our main snooze, so we do hope mew have a totally terrific day and don't forget that Pandora's pawty is still happening and also yesterday we revisited our epic Pirate Adventure True Story in honour Meow Like a Pirate Day, so do go check that out if mew missed it and at the bottom of each episode is the link to the next one... what a great way to spend your Sunday! MOL

Wishing mew lots of snoozy snuggles

Supurr Sunday Purrs

Basil & The B Team

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

Free Lockdown Activities

And don't furget while we're all on lockdown, we The B Team have got your six and can entertain mew fur weeks; there are oodles of colouring pages to download and not furgetting the colouring books too.  There's a page full of crafting projects to keep your mittens making stuff, and if books are your thing, check our Amber's Book Reviews fur your next pawesome read! 

There are some epically exciting adventure stories too, so read our thrilling tales episode by epic episode.

We've got some new Brain Training posts, just to keep your little grey cells in tip-top condition. And we’ll be adding extra jigsaw puzzles to the puzzle page.

If mew want to see more of what's been happening at BBHQ since the lockdown began, check out our Instagram feed where mew can see our daily diary and exclusive videos that we don't put here on the blog.

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil®  on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence &