Friday, 31 March 2017

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 189 & Give-Away ~ Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou

Supurr Friday greetings pawesome pals

Happy Friday, and TGIF!  What a week, but hey ho tomorrow is Caturday and all will be well in the wurld fur the next 48 hours! MOL 

Before we dive into our usual speel, we've noticed recently that a lot of blogs are becoming harder and harder to comment on and some won't even let us leave a comment ???  as we we're headed through our weekly list, several blogs wouldn't let us comment even though we're signed in; it said that we were trying to comment anonymousely.  So we have no clue what's going off there, so if mew haven't heard from us in a few weeks, that's means we are no longer able to comment on your blog - so sorry, we have no clue how to fix it.

The Time Travelling Bobble Hat is winging its way to the next blog as we type, there was a little hiccup, one of the blogs on the list received it but said they knew nothing about it, and had neffur heard of me and therefore didn't want it so they have furry kindly sent it on to the next recipient.  Thank mew fur forwarding it.

So just to clarify, all the blogs on the list have requested the bobble hat be sent to them, and if mew'd like to join the tour, leave us a comment either here or on the TTBH page [link above] and we'll add mew.   

We'd also like to reiterate:

It is NOT compulsory fur any kitty to wear the hat, as we know that some kitties would hate it and we'd neffur want anypurrdy to be stressed out or traumatized.  All we ask is mew give it a quick mention, stick it on a soft toy or something, post a pic and we'll add money to the Rescue Fund fur the kitties in need, it's not hard, it's not stressful and mew're helping a great little independent rescue here in Nottinghamshire by featuring it.

In other news, we have this happening


Mew may remember ages and ages ago that we mentioned about being in Sir Snowies 2017 charity calendar, well there was a mix up with the delivery.  But they eventually arrived in February and the P.A. put them somewhere to add to a give-away and then they got moved and then we furgot and this week we found them! MOL

So we thought we'd better do a give-away post haste as we're tramping on at light speed through this year! MOL 

Moet the Blind Cat and yours truly are on the cover of this fabulous arty farty calendar, and inside are some of our pawesome pals.

Just leave us a comment to get your paws on one of these pawesome calendars!

The give-away open wurld-wide and we'll draw a winner from the hat next week.

Mew can find Sir Snowy here:

If mew missed anything this week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal!

We'll be back with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

In the meantime we wish mew all a truly terrific weekend!

Happy Hopping

Sweetest purrs & nose bumps

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop linky party is for all pets and animal lovers.
To see this weeks


just pop over to:

get the InLinkz code

Link up one, some, or all of your favorite social media URLs. Don't be shy, but follow others as well. Remeber, it's a hop. Share nicely.

1. Host: @RascalandRocco  4. Co-host: Bionic Basil on Instagram  7. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Twitter)  
2. Host: Rascal and Rocco on instagram  5. Co-host: MK Clinton on Twitter   8. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Instagram)  
3. Co-host: @BionicBasil  6. Co-host: MK Clinton on Instagram  9. Dash Kitten  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence  and

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #35 featuring Cat in an Indigo Moon

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr salutations fellow biblio-cats

*waves paw*

I do hope mew've been having a pawesome week, and some sunshine, our weather warmed up offur the last few days and if mew read Monday's post mew'll see that Basil and Smoochie were doing a bit of earthing as the weather was so great! 

The good news is the new lawn is finished and looking most marvelous, sadly the electrician hasn't turned up yet so the planting on patio is now at a standstill until he arrives and installs the lighting. 

Smooch and Pandora were the soil and lawn inspection crew.

Pandora said in her odd little accent. "This lawn is quite satisfactory, I vill tell the P.A. it passes the paw test."

Meanwhile Smooch was back in the soil patch where the old pond used to be, before he and Parsley decided to depth charge it. Yep seriously they blew it up.

"Oh wow, I just love dirt!" he beamed. "This is the bestest, I hope the P.A. doesn't plant anything here as it's just purrfect how it is."  [mew can see his earthing video here from Mondays post]

Parsley decided to try out the new brick edging and said. "No more wet paws fur me, this is so pawesome!"

Then he got photobombed descended on by some of the hoard, which completely ruined his news report!

We'll show mew more pics when it looks a little more finished with the planting and on that note I think it's time fur this weeks book...

This week on book reviews with Amber, I'm sharing

Cat in an Indigo Moon
A Midnight Louie Mystery

Book #10


Carole Nelson Douglas 

Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:

At the Blue Dahlia, the forties-style music club where homicide lieutenant Carmen Molina moonlights as a torch singer, life is becoming considerably less easygoing. An unidentified woman is found dead in the parking lot, with the words "she left" spray painted nearby. 

*    *    *

When I bought this book I had no idea it was #10 in the series - OOPS!

This is another bite-sized listen purrfect fur a lazy Sunday afternoon in the hammock in garden, I also didn't realize that this was an abridged audio book either, as I normally only buy unabridged books, so hey this week I stuffed up big time, MOL.

Anyhoo, even though it's book #10 and there are 28 in the entire series, and it's the abridged version I really did enjoy it and will go back to the beginning and start from fresh as I love a saga of a series.

The cats play a great role and are so entertaining, if I had thumbs, it would get a thumbs up but as I don't it gets a paws up instead. 

I'm sure mew'll love it and as it was originally published in 1998 I'm sure some of mew will have come across before now.

Paperback copy: 369 pages

Audio Edition: 3 hours 5 Mins

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Cat in an Indigo Moon





Offurall Enjoyment

I hope mew enjoy this book if mew do take the plunge and buy it... and if mew've read it already, tell me what did mew think?

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and we'll be here again on Friday and if we get time we're doing another Crafting with Cats on Saturday.

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs

Amber xox

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Monday, 27 March 2017

Colouring with Cats #23 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandalas on Mondays!

Supurr Monday greetings beautiful furriends

We hope mew've had a fabulously chilled weekend, ours has been fab, the new lawn is done and the suns been shining all its warmz on us.  So let's get mew feeling all nicely relaxed fur the next few days, but if mew're a little tense or stressed we can assist mew in getting your Zen Harmonies happening and that fuzzy feeling of zen-ness back.

 Let's begin with our little breathing exercise, we're sure mew know what to do but if mew've furgotten: purrlease take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Now, we don't know about mew but we love a bit of earthing, what is earthing we hear mew ask?  We know some of mew will have already heard of it, but fur those that don't know; earthing is going barefoot on grass and this helps our bodies in all kinds of ways. Our pawesome planet is full of natural energy as are all living things, so when we walk barefoot on grass or sand etc... [not man made things like roads or pavements] our bodies connect with the subtle energies within the earth and help restore vitality and ground our energies.
Do mew effur touch something and get a static shock?  The P.A. can touch light switches or certain things and there'll be a huge crack of sound and sometimes even a blue flash, so she goes outside barefoot on the lawn and grounds her energy, then it doesn't happen again fur a while.  

It also helps to remove excess positive electrons that build up in the body, which in the modern wurld is completely unavoidable due to a constant barrage of EMF's, wearing rubber soled shoes, never walking barefoot and being out of touch with the natural wurld.

So this week, if it's sunny where mew are, just go and stand on some grass fur a few minutes and see how mew feel, we can guarantee that mew'll feel so much better, go dump all the stress build up into the earth and breath deeply.

The P.A. even has an earthing mat fur during the winter months when she can't go barefoot outdoors, so if mew live in an apartment, or where it's difficult to get your cute tootsies on some lawn, get yourselves an earthing mat and enjoy the same benefits from your favourite snooze spot.  Me and The B team can often be found sitting on the earthing mat when it's out.

The P.A. has also noticed that Fudge has a lot of static as when she picks him up as they often share a little jolt of electricity, so she's putting him and his ginormous floof tail on it too when there's no outside time. 

Mew can see Smoochie below really getting his earthing happening, he loves it! MOL 

So this week get yourselves grounded and those zen harmonies happening.

*    *    *

All the mandala's featured are designed and created by us, unless otherwise stated.

So here's this weeks lovely mandala:

Just right-click the image to save and print it... 

This week Merlin's mum Alice, who has been our guest colourist and colouring the mandalas fur the last few weeks, did another amazing colour combo this week - Thank mew so much Alice, we really think today's mandala is just a wunderpurr colour explosion!!!

Coloured using gel pens we think! MOL

*    *    * 

If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to post it on our Facebook page at:

Basil & The B Team @Facebook

as we'd really, really love to see your interpretation of today's mandala.

If mew'd look to be a guest-colourist fur us, we'd love mew too, just let us know either in the comments box or email us at:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

And don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Book One here:

*    *    *

So on that note we'll say bye fur now and see mew on Wednesday when Amber is here sharing this week's top book pick!

Until then

Keep Calm and Colour OM!

Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs

Basil & Co xox

(disclaimer; we are not health or medical practitioners, all earthing info is purely for entertainment purposes only.) 

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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Sunday, 26 March 2017

Sunday Selfies #137 Supurr Sunday Snuggles & Blog Hopping with Cat on my Head

Welcome to another Sunday Selfie Selection and as mew can see today we are all supurr snuggled in our favourite places.

I'm on the sofa, Amber's on the bed, Fudge is cuddling BUN BUN, Smoochie is IN bed, Snowie is on the other sofa, Humphrey is in the nest on the scratch post, Parsley is going fur total immersion in his pink blanky and Pandora is in the window in the P.A.'s office, and finally Angel Posie's favourite spot was sitting in the P.A.'s spot on the sofa.

So today's theme is:

Supurr Sunday Snuggles

What your favourite Sunday Snuggle Spot?

*    *    *

Wishing mew all a supurr day with lots of cuddles and snuggles

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

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