Thursday, 6 March 2025


THE PURRMINATOR ©BionicBasil® Basil and The B Team

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BBHQ Tails Banner 2024 ©BionicBasil®
BBHQ B Team Adventure Banner 2024 ©BionicBasil®

The Purrminator is an action-packed experience that takes mew on a journey through a world of perilous danger with oodles of excitement, though sometimes in a scary way. With depictions of spine-tingling encounters, the story draws mew in, making mew feel as though mew are right there with young Melvyn, fighting for survival as he's relentlessly hunted by the evil cyborg machines, known as Purrminators, as he tries to find his Great Uncle Basil through time and space. Oh my Cod, will he make it?


Purrminator Divider

If mew missed the start of this brand-new adventure, click the links below:

Chapter One    Chapter Two    Chapter Three     Chapter Four     Chapter Five

 Chapter Six     Chapter Seven     Chapter Eight      Chapter Nine     Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

The Purrminator by Basil and The B Team 2024 ©BionicBasil® Page Break

Chapter Sixteen

Now There’s A Plan

              “What’s the date?” Shadow asked.

“It is March the third at three thirty-three in the afternoon,” Astrid replied.

“That’s a lot of threes,” Havoc noticed. “Is that for a reason?”

“No,” Dave said. “It’s just the way it happened.”

“Are you sure?” Vera pressed with concern. “It seems a little too three-full for my liking.”

“It’s fine,” Astrid said dismissively, getting up and placing Melvyn back on the chair. She passed him a juice box and popped the straw for him. “You’ll really like this. It’s catnip and kumquat, delicious!”

Bomber stood and paced the plush T.T.T.B. lounge area. “So now what?”

Shadow, Smoke, and Ice looked at one another.

“I’ve got an idea,” Shadow mused.

All eyes were on him as he stood up and addressed his squad mates. “Well, if we’re in the right timeline and correct dimension to find Commander Basil,” he paused briefly. “Then we should hop to twenty-twenty three, contact The B Team and see what comes of it.”

“Why don’t we just go there and deliver Melvyn?” Titan asked.

“Good point,” Nitro agreed.

“Very true,” Bomber concurred. “However, I see Shadow is trying to make sure that Melvyn ends up in the right paws, and if we go barging in there and they are not The B Team we’re looking for, it could all go to hell in a handbasket faster than you could blink.”

“Exactly,” Viper said. “Better to have a little bit of distance while we scope things out.”

“Absolutely,” Ice replied. “Shall we make a plan, then?”

The M Unit all nodded and went into a huddle as they thrashed out a plan.

Astrid looked at Melvyn, whose eyes were drooping. She lifted him and placed him gently on one of the sofas, covering him with a super soft wooly blanket. She hissed at The M Unit and indicated for them to follow her.

On the bridge, she said. “I like your plan, and Dave likes it too, don’t you, Dave?”

“Totally top paw,” Dave said. “Astrid and I have been running scenarios for you.”

“Excuse me,” Vera’s voice interrupted through the comms speakers. “Who’s been running the scenarios?”

“Vera,” Astrid sighed. “We’ve all been running the scenarios. Don’t get picky.”

“Astrid,” Vera seethed. “Just remember who programmed you.”

“Oh hell no, we aren’t going there just because you feel sidelined and left out!” Astrid retorted.

The M Unit backed away from the verbal A.I. skirmish towards the cupboard where the necro was still trapped in the anti-magic box.

Bomber looked at his squad and said. “We’ll unload here, then me, Ice, Smoke and Shadow will take the T.T.T.B. to twenty-twenty-three, drop a note at BBHQ for Commander Basil to meet us at a nearby location.”

“Then we can tell him his great, great, great nephew needs help and see where it goes from there,” Shadow finished.

“Exactly,” Bomber replied. “And that way we can scope things out and make sure that it is the correct place for us to leave Melvyn, where he is safe, secure and protected.”

“Then we’ll go and hunt all the necromancers down and eliminate them, along with their pet Purrminators!” Viper grinned maliciously.

“Now there’s a plan!” Smoke chuckled.

“Hooah!” The M Until roared in unison.

A black star with a white background

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            The necro in the box in the cupboard weakened magically, physically and mentally clutched the red amulet tightly in his hand until his knuckles were white. He’d been silently assessing the anti-magic crate to determine if there were any flaws in the design that would enable him to escape, but so far, he had discovered none. The clock was ticking, and he was fully aware that his time in this physicality was on a countdown.

Abruptly, he heard voices and craned to hear what was being said, but all he could hear was mumble mumble mumble great, mumble mumble mumble safe, mumble mumble mumble hunt, mumble mumble mumble Purrminators… etc…

Knowing that his time was short, a crazy idea popped into his head. He knew if he could get free of the box, things could be altered.

So he did the only thing he could and screamed.

A black star with a white background

AI-generated content may be incorrect.

            “Shush!” Bomber hissed, as the rest of his squad fell silent.

Ice looked at the cupboard, saying. “It’s the necro. He’s probably realised that it’s over for him.”

“Who get’s the honour?” Nitro queried. “Blaze was like my brother…”

Bomber exhaled. “Blaze was our brother from another muther, and he will get his justice today.”

“Hooah!” came the roar.

“But first, let’s put the first plan in action and get to Commander Basil,” Bomber instructed. “Now somebody go and stun that thing into silence.”

Havoc was nearest the door, and he said. “It’ll be my pleasure.” He strode off as he pulled a small blaster off a rip-patch on his armour.

A black star with a white background

AI-generated content may be incorrect.

Back on the bridge, Astrid and Vera were still bickering while Dave remained silent.

Bomber cleared his throat as he approached Astrid. “Could we interject a moment?”

Astrid huffed, Vera sighed, and Dave remained conspicuously quiet. “What?” Astrid blurted, rounding on the giant cat.

“We’ve got a plan,” Bomber replied.

“Oh yes, that,” Vera said.

“Yes, we heard the plan and we like it,” Astrid agreed. “When do you want to implement it?”

“Immediately,” Bomber said. “Let’s get everyone outside and find a safe place to be while I, Smoke, Shadow and Ice head off. We shouldn’t be gone long.” He paused, then added. “We’ll set the return coordinates to arrive back here fifteen minutes after we originally left.”

“Good thinking,” Dave said. “Then there won’t be any time paradoxes to cause anymore mayhem.”

“Exactly,” Bomber said.

Within thirty minutes, Havoc and Titan located an unoccupied cottage near Fuskerton Station. Melvyn was sitting on Shadow’s shoulder as they walked across a meadow to the rear of the cottage.

“Wow, this is green,” Shadow said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much green in my life!”

Titan said. “It’s incredible. I never knew a place could feel so tranquil.”

“Dudes, we’re used to seeing dead and destroyed planets, and even our own dimension was ruined and nothing but a sea of desolate grey,” Smoke said as he looked at the rolling countryside. “It’s incredible here!”  

After Melvyn with Vera still attached to his bag were tucked up on the sofa in the quaint cottage, the stunned necro in the box was left outside in the rear garden and Titan, Havoc, Nitro and Viper split into two teams, one inside and one outside as their brief vigil began and their squad mates headed back to the T.T.T.B.  

Titan turned towards Havoc and said. “We can interrogate the necro for the next twenty minutes or so.”

“Great idea,” Havoc grinned. “I’ll get my blaster warmed up!”


The Purrminator by Basil and The B Team 2024 ©BionicBasil® Page Break

Guys, mew know how we roll, and we're getting so close to the end now.... only a pawful of chapters to go.

If mew would like to read Chapter Seventeen, let us know in the comments.

Don't forget to check out yesterday's Midweek News, and Amber will be here tomorrow with another totally pawesome book review.

In the meantime...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Click Here to go to Chapter 17 - LINK COMING LATER

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Copyright © 2025 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell ~ Author & Publisher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialized publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including content scraping, screenshots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the author's and publisher's prior written permission. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:

deardrbasil @gmail . com 

The right of Cathrine Garnell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. 

All characters, people, places, and names of businesses are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. 


Graphics created with paid licence 

The Purrminator character created with Ai Arta

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Fudge's Horror at The Catmint Being Pruned, Pandora's Watching The Birds from The Deck, Smooch's Brief Sunspot, and Melvyn's Wearing This Weeks Top Pick Bandana

Midweek News Banner ©BionicBasil® Spring 2025

 Epic Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up!

Happy Wednesday, and great news, it's been sunny and warm during the day for over the last week or so. In other words, it's been wonderful weather, the nighttime temperatures are still near 0 - 1 degrees Celsius, but that's ok because we're inside and all snuggly bugly! MOL

Oh, and just look at what's sprung up in the last few days!

The baby daffodils are blooming. We prefer the more compact ones as they stay upright for much longer.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Baby Daffodils are Blooming

Do mew see the bee below?

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Colourful Crocus's at BBHQ

The purple crocus is such a stunning colour, and the bees, who started waking up last week, are now visiting. A really good sign that Spring has sprung at last. 

And mew may have noticed that the blog has a new header and all the graphics have changed again, well, mew know what we're like, we have to change with the seasons! MOL

Anyhoo, let's look at this week's top news reports.

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil®

First up in the news this week...

Fudge's Horror at The Catmint Being Pruned

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Fudge's Horror at The Catmint Being Pruned

Fudge was not a happy camper, as the P.A. has pruned slaughtered the catmint in recent days, as it was getting far too straggly. She's hoping that the haircut will prompt it to grow back much thicker and lusher in the coming months.

There are other catmint plants lurking around the garden, but this one is Fudge's favourite.

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil®

Next up in the news...

Pandora's Watching The Birds from The Deck

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Pandora's Watching The Birds from The Deck

Pandora was enjoying a spot of birdwatching from the deck yesterday. She could have even sat in a small sun puddle but she preferred to sit on the steps of the deck.

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil®

In other news...

Smooch's Brief Sunspot

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch's Brief Sunspot

Smooch caught a brief sunspot in the courtyard as he was bipping past one of the raised beds.

He then declared it was too cold in the courtyard, as this time of year the sun is very limited there, and he promptly returned to the comfort of his Shroom! MOL

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil®

And finally, this week

Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick

Last week mew voted for the gorgeous pretty Garden bandana, and it looks EPIC!

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Modelling The Pretty Garden Bandan

And, BBHQ's Supurr Model was contemplating doing a quick spin on the catwalk, but then he got distracted in the catservatory! MOL MOL

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Contemplating Doing A Catwalk Run.jpg

There were copious amounts of catnip on the scratcher he was standing on... no catwalk today then! MOL 

He's really missing W.D.G. aka Were-Dee-Go, the invisible monster who lives behind the sofa, there was another postcard from Egypt this week. Hopefully, he'll be back at BBHQ soon, and Melvyn will feel a lot happier.

Plus, if mew missed all the action from the Mewton-Clawson Library on Friday, click here to catch up, as Melvyn has a stalker.

And Amber will be revealing one of the photos Prudence has sent Melvyn this week, OH MY COD, mew won't catch your breath!

In fact, poor Melvyn started to scream when he saw it... don't miss Friday's post to find out what's been happening in the library! 

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil® Bunting

Which one should he model next?

Here's the March Bandana Selection, and as we're headed full steam into Spring, we chose some colourful and bright bandanas for this month. Plus, it's St Paddy's Day, too, and how could we not have one for that epic day! MOL

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® March 2025 Bandana Collection

The March Collection:

1. Spring Vibes

2. Pretty Garden

3.  Colourful Owls

4. St Paddy's Day

Tell us your top pick for next week in the comments!

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil®

That's us done for today. 

Amber will be back on Friday with another pawesome book, and if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:

Pandora's Selfie

Check out the latest episodes of The Purrminator, as tomorrow we'll be back with Chapter Sixteen in Melvyn's epically epic supurr exciting origin story:

Hoping mew have a furbulous day, and remember to always...

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Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Spring Divider 2025 ©BionicBasil® Bunting
Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 
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Graphics created with paid license