Showing posts with label Quick Cat Guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quick Cat Guide. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 August 2023

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Smooch's Toothy Grin, Pandora's Transfixed, and Melvyn Snoopervising Through The Window, Then Raspberry Blowing

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® July Banner 2023 Basil and The B Team cats

Furbulous Greetings Supurr Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

Look what we forgot to share with mew last week!

We are sure mew remember the new doors, if not, click here to see them.

Anyhoo, every year, well most years, a family of swallows come to nest under the carport in bay 3, and this year Mum and Dad had four babies. We thought there were three, as mew can see the nest from the crystal room window, but then a fourth one popped up at the back of the nest. Such joy! 

So what's this got to do with anything? Well, while the P.A. was painting in bay 2, the Mum and Dad would be watching her from the beam. They'd swoop in, take a perch watch for a few minutes and then swoop out.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® The BBHQ Swallows

We know the photo isn't great, and the video footage of the babies is even worse, but mew get the picture.

They also watch her hang the washing out, as the drying lines are also under the carport. In fact, they seem quite curious, which is lovely. The babies are flying now and are in training to head south later in the month. As they usually depart from BBHQ for Africa in late August or early September.

Years ago, they would stay till mid to late September, but as the seasons have changed over the years they go earlier. And this year, they arrived about the 8th of May, we didn't think they were coming, as some years they nest next door. But we did notice that there weren't as many to arrive this year, so whether some got caught in North Africa on their upward journey, we don't know. 

So we wish them well and safe travels on their journey ahead in the coming weeks and hope they come back next year for another stay.

Oh, and the doors update, the paint still hadn't hardened enough by the weekend, but hopefully tomorrow, as it's Monday today as we're writing this, so maybe yesterday for mew as mew're reading this, Dad will hang them.

Anyhoo, let's look at this week's top headlines.
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First up in the news this week

Smooch's Toothy Grin

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch's Toothy Grin

Smooch was giving a toothy grin as he wanted to go inside for more snacks!  He was trying to hurry the P.A. up, who was retrieving dry washing from under the carport.

Mew know what it's like when mew've got to refill the tanks, it is right now, chop chop, that washing can wait! MOL

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Next up in the news

 Pandora's Transfixed

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Pandora's Transfixed

We don't know what Pandora was watching, perhaps a butterfly or a moth, but she sat there for ages.

She did complain later, asking why the cushions weren't on the bench as it would have been much nicer if they had been there.

As it's been one of the wettest summers for ages, the cushions are under the carport, as who wants wet cushions?!!! MOL

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Finally this week

Melvyn Snoopervising Through The Window

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Snoopervising Through The Window

Melvyn was snoopervising the P.A. through the kitchen window as she was watering the veggies. Anyhoo, he asked the P.A. if he could come outside and inspect the new garden in purrson. She replied "FLUFF NO!" As he's never been down there and would probably leg it over the lower fence into nextdoors front garden and then onto the main street, where it is a veritable tractor, combine and trailer fest right now..

This was his reply.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Raspberry Blowing

The P.A.laughed and showed him the hosepipe sprayer, he decided to go and look out of the conservatory at that point! MOL

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 It's only one more week until mew get to see the new bandana collection for September, and it's also Parlsey's 11th Birthday, a week on Thursday. 

We're also hoping a new Quick Cat Guide tomorrow, time permitting, but if not, we'll aim for next Tueday.

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That's us done for today. We'll definitely be back on Friday, so do join us then, as mew know how much we love your company.

And if mew missed any other posts for the last week, here are the links:

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Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 


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Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

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Graphics created with paid licence  

Wednesday 16 August 2023

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Melvyn Doing A Spot Of Nature Watching, Smooch Relaxing On The Mandala Meditation Cushion, and Fudge Chilling On The Garden Bench **PLUS** Fudge's Mini Garden Safari

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® July Banner 2023 Basil and The B Team cats

Furbulous Greetings Supurr Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

Mew may remember last week, that the new shed doors were getting glossed. Well, that was finished on Thursday, and we thought by Sunday Cat Dad would be able to hang them, but sadly the paint was still not hard enough, in other words, it hadn't cured as quick as we thought it would.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® The Shed Doors Ready To Hang

So we're leaving them until this weekend when hopefully the paint will be hard enough, as the new hinges have to go on, so there will be quite a bit of handling going off. But we'll let mew know on next week's post what happened! MOL

And we got the first crop of runner beans on Sunday.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® First Crop of Runner Beans

The P.A. didn't think they were doing so well because of the weeks of endless rain, as normally we'd get the first crop in July. But the good news, is when she went to check on Sunday morning, she picked this lot, and there's more on the way, so we're quite happy with that. Plus growing them up the garden arches was a great idea, as they are so much easier to see and pick.

They tasted amazing according to the P.A., Cat Dad and our guests on Sunday, 10/10 and no string whatsoever! MOL

Anyhoo, let's look at this week's top headlines.
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First up in the news this week

Melvyn Doing A Spot Of Nature Watching

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Doing A Spot Of Nature Watching

Melvyn adores being in the catservatory and watching everything happening in the garden. He doesn't go out so much now as in all honesty, he's a complete liability. And he wants to run all over the village, which is not a great idea, especially at the moment with the endless tractors and trailers thundering along the main street.

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Next up in the news

Smooch Relaxing On The Mandala Meditation Cushion

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch Chilling On The Mandala Meditation Cushion

Zen Harmonies are at optimum levels!

Smooch loves the huge mandala meditation cushion in the crystal room. And the other day when the P.A. was (finally) getting the giveaway prizes packed and ready to ship, he snoopervised from this very comfy spot! MOL
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Finally this week

Fudge Chilling On The Garden Bench

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil®  Fudge Chlling On The Garden Bench

Fudge loves being in the garden, and he's a propurr safari cat, always on the move and looking for the next thing to investigate, so it was pawesome to get a photo of him chilling on the garden bench, with nothing to do and nowhere to go for a at least two minutes! MOL

Mew can check his mini garden safari video below.
Summer Divider ©BionicBasil® 2023 Butterflies and Lavendar


We haven't been posting on our social media for the last few weeks. We go through stages where in all honesty we just can't be fluffed with it all. It's just a total time vortex and all anypawdy does is unfollow mew unless mew're actively engaged on the platforms for hours a day, so we're a bit over it right now.

Anyhoo, on Monday we did upload a video of Fudge's Mini Garden safari on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, so if mew want to take a peek, here are the links:

It's the same video on each site but with different mewsic.
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That's us done for today. We'll be back on Friday, so do join us then, as mew know how much we love your company.

And if mew missed any other posts for the last week, here are the links:

The B Team's Major Oak Selfie (Plus Puzzle & Travel Guide)

Cats Have Problems Too! (I'm Mortified By Mice!)

Friday Fluffers (Parsley Got Crabs)

The Quick Cat Guide Part 5 (Does Your Cat Love Mew?)

Summer Stay Fluffy  Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 


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Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

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Graphics created with paid licence  

Thursday 10 August 2023

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide ~ How To Tell if Your Cat Loves You

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide  ©BionicBasil® July 2023

Happy Purrsday Fluffies

Welcome to


As highly experienced cats in the field of training humans, facilitating the best human relationships and how to get the most out of life, we've decided to share a bite-sized series offering completely unsolicited advice to any potential cat pawrent/guardian/staff who needs it in our new Quick Cat Guide. 

We offer a highly condensed guide to all things cat, as we know mew're busy and probably have less time than mew'd like in today's hectic world. Plus we are very time sensitive as we have a lot of catnaps and meals to fit into our daily routine, and mew know if we don't get enough naps, we don't have the energy for our main snooze!

Today's Quick Cat Guide is All About:

How To Tell if Your Cat Loves You 

Do mew ever wonder if your feline pal loves mew as much as mew love them? It can be tough to tell with cats being so independent and all. But fear not, there are some signs that your cat may be showing mew love and affection. Check out these ways to tell if your cat loves mew:

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide  ©BionicBasil®How To Tell if You Cat Loves You

 Purring: If your cat is purring when they're around mew or being petted, it's a great sign that they're happy and feel safe with mew. It's like having a little motor running next to mew, grumbling away with much content and happiness.

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide  ©BionicBasil®How To Tell if You Cat Loves You 

Head-butting: When your cat rubs their head against mew, it's called bunting, and it's a way for them to show affection and claim mew as their own. Parsley does this all the time, and Melvyn is catching up with him. Although Melvyn likes to bump his nose and give kisses too.

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide  ©BionicBasil®How To Tell if You Cat Loves You

Kneading: If your cat is kneading on mew, making biscuits, or doing little paw press-ups, it means they feel comfortable and safe around mew. It's a throwback to when they were kittens nursing with their mother. Check out Parsley making biscuits below.

Licking: Cats groom each other as a bonding experience, so if your cat is licking mew, it means they trust and love mew. Smooch likes to do this a lot, and he grasps Cat Dad's arm between his paws and gives it a darn good licking.

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide  ©BionicBasil®How To Tell if You Cat Loves You b

Slow blinking/winking: When your cat gives you a slow blink, it's a sign of trust and affection. They feel relaxed and safe around mew. They can also wink at mew, either eye, and it means the same. The B Team do a lot of winking! MOL 

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide  ©BionicBasil®How To Tell if You Cat Loves You

Bringing mew gifts: If your kitty brings mew a gift, like a mouse or bird, it means they see mew as part of their furmily and want to take care of mew. Ahhh, the P.A. says, if only in real life they brought a gift-wrapped box of chocolates, and not dead creatures! At BBHQ there have been many, many gifts including a mole on the sitting room rug, half a pigeon in the downstairs bathroom and a hare by the back door.

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide  ©BionicBasil®How To Tell if You Cat Loves You

Following mew around, and watching mew: Cats are curious creatures, and if they're following mew from room to room, it means they enjoy your company and want to be near mew. Plus they may stalk mew, watching what mew're doing and then join mew.

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide  ©BionicBasil®How To Tell if You Cat Loves You

Being with you while mew work, read, watch tv etc...: Whether they sit on your knee, next to mew, or on your desk, they feel safe and want to spend their time with mew, and are curious about what mew're doing. Some cats may just snooze, and others may want to participate in some way, yes we've all walked across the keyboard at a crucial point while the P.A. was typing, Fudge is really great at sitting on it! MOL The P.A. actually had an in-tray on her desk just for me, with my name on it.

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide  ©BionicBasil®How To Tell if You Cat Loves You

Scenting mew: When your cat rubs his/her face on mew, they are essentially marking mew as theirs by rubbing their unique scent onto your clothing, skin or whatever, and mew now belong to them. 

The B Team's Quick Cat Guide  ©BionicBasil®How To Tell if You Cat Loves You

Remember, each cat has their own unique personality and way of showing affection. So even if your cat doesn't display these behaviours exactly, they still might love mew in their own way. Keep an eye on their body language and behaviour to better understand your furry friend and build a strong bond with them.

Cats may not be as in-your-face as dogs when it comes to showing affection, but they definitely have their own special ways of expressing their love. By paying attention to the signs and cues, mew can better understand your cat and build a deeper connection with them. 

Happy cat pawrenting!

We hope mew enjoyed our bite-sized guide on How To Tell if Your Cat Loves You and if mew're looking for further information on all things feline, check out our Top Tips for Cat Pawrents page, at the top of the blog, or click here.

To catch up on the previous episodes, here are the links:

Stay tuned for more episodes coming soon, and we'll be back tomorrow with another Friday Flufffers post and again on Sunday with another Travel Selfie as we visit Historical Sites around the U.K. and share them with mew.

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Wing Commander Basil and The B Team

Disclaimer: We are not vets, animal medical professionals, animal doctors or have any formal qualifications in animal health. If mew are worried or concerned about anything at all, purrlease take your feline furiend to your purrsonal veterinarian or other health care provider and seek expert advice and assistance immediately.

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