Showing posts with label chapter 19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chapter 19. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 March 2025


THE PURRMINATOR ©BionicBasil® Basil and The B Team

Tuesday Tails Text Banner ©BionicBasil®
BBHQ Tails Banner 2024 ©BionicBasil®
BBHQ B Team Adventure Banner 2024 ©BionicBasil®

The Purrminator is an action-packed experience that takes mew on a journey through a world of perilous danger with oodles of excitement, though sometimes in a scary way. With depictions of spine-tingling encounters, the story draws mew in, making mew feel as though mew are right there with young Melvyn, fighting for survival as he's relentlessly hunted by the evil cyborg machines, known as Purrminators, as he tries to find his Great Uncle Basil through time and space. Oh my Cod, will he make it?


Purrminator Divider

If mew missed the start of this brand-new adventure, click the links below:

Chapter One    Chapter Two    Chapter Three     Chapter Four     Chapter Five

 Chapter Six     Chapter Seven     Chapter Eight      Chapter Nine     Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven      Chapter Twelve     Chapter Thirteen      Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen     Chapter Sixteen     Chapter Seventeen     Chapter Eighteen

The Purrminator by Basil and The B Team 2024 ©BionicBasil® Page Break

Chapter Nineteen

Echoes From The Past

            Bomber grimaced at Commander Basil’s response. Shadow looked at the ground and sighed. This was not the reaction they were hoping for.

“Commander Basil,” Bomber said. “I understand your reluctance to believe us. However, my squad and I are from a distant future in a different timeline, and I can assure you that where we are from, you had one littermate. A sister called Lavender, who was born two minutes after you, and although you were separated when you were still kittens. You never forgot her.”

Basil stood staring wide-eyed at the huge cat before him. It seemed a lifetime ago as an ambush of memories buried deep, deep in the abyss of his psyche erupted. His throat constricted, jaw clenched, and his eyes blinked several times as he fought the emotions trying to erupt from the very core of his soul.

“Lavender survived in your timeline?” he choked back the tears.

“Yes, although it was in the distant past, obviously for us, she was part of our history,” Bomber replied.

Basil looked stunned. “I need to sit down,” he said as he walked on trembling paws to the bench, as a myriad of emotions fought to overwhelm him. "I never dared to dream that she survived in other timelines..."

Bomber and Shadow glanced at each other and moved towards the bench. They crouched down and looked at Commander Basil, the most famous cat in all feline history, throughout every dimension and every timeline. The one true Commander Basil who literally changed worlds and was revered through time and space, past, present and future.

Basil took a breath, wiped his eyes and looked at the two Maine Coons crouching before him. “Dudes, my sister died here. She was my almost identical twin, and losing her…” he paused as he let the buried emotions rise and release. “Losing her nearly broke me. We were so small, and she was all I had, and then she was gone.”

The Maine Coons knew the facts of what had happened in this timeline but said nothing. They knew at some point, they would have to impart the information, but not right now in this moment.

Shadow looked at his brother. “We know that loss so well, Commander,” he said. “We, my brother and I lost our brother when we were kittens…”

A heavy silence hung like a dark shroud encompassing the station as the three cats each mourned the loss of a loved one.

A few minutes later, Basil gave himself a mental shake and cleared his throat as he reconciled so many feelings and sentiments. Realising that there would be time in the not-too-distant future to find out more about his sister, but first, he must save her son. And then it hit him; in his sister's timeline, he was the one who died. 'Stop!' he thought. 'There's time for me to process this later. Right now I need to focus on saving Melvyn!'

Looking at Shadow and Bomber, he reached forward and put his paws on their shoulders. He nodded in acknowledgement of their loss, sucked in a breath, and said. “Let’s go get my nephew!”


The Purrminator by Basil and The B Team 2024 ©BionicBasil® Page Break

Fluff me sideways and roll me treacle, we can't catch our breath... the tears are streaming here...

Guys, mew know how we roll; so many apologies once again for cutting it right there.

If mew would like to read Chapter Twenty, let us know in the comments.

Don't forget to check out yesterday's pawesome book review.

In the meantime...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Click Here to go to Chapter 20 - LINK COMING LATER

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Copyright © 2025 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell ~ Author & Publisher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialized publication/book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including content scraping, screenshots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the author's and publisher's prior written permission. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:

deardrbasil @gmail . com 

The right of Cathrine Garnell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. 

All characters, people, places, and names of businesses are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. 


Graphics created with paid licence 

The Purrminator character created with Ai Arta 

Tuesday, 12 March 2024


Claws of Terror ©BionicBasil® Adventure Story

Tuesday Tails Text Banner ©BionicBasil®

Tuesday Tails Banner ©BionicBasil®

Tuesday Tails Text Banner ©BionicBasil®

Claws of Terror is an action-packed and immersive adventure that takes mew on a journey through a world of danger and excitement. The story draws mew in with vivid and detailed descriptions of the intense battles and spine-tingling encounters, making mew feel as though mew are right there with The B Team, fighting for survival.


If mew missed the start of this brand-new adventure click the link below:

Chapter One   Chapter Two   Chapter Three    Chapter Four    Chapter Five

Chapter Six    Chapter Seven    Chapter Eight     Chapter Nine     Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven     Chapter Twelve     Chapter Thirteen     Chapter Fourteen     Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen     Chapter Seventeen     Chapter Eighteen

Claws of Terror ©BionicBasil® Halloween Adventure - Divider 

Chapter Nineteen

Red Mist

Isn't it usually so nice to get home after being away? Well, normally it is, but tonight is not one of those times. Tonight is a night I won't ever forget.

          Melvyn stared at Meow-Da and asked. “I don’t understand. What do I know?”

Meow-Da’s crinkly face wrinkled up even more than I thought possible as he replied. “Know mew do. In your paw, the key is.”

Looking down at his paw, Melvyn gasped as a glistening golden key on a long chain materialised out of thin air.

“Power is strong in mew, little one,” Meow-Da said as he pointed his cabbage stalk walking stick towards the back wall. “Father gave mew a gift, he did.”

It was in that moment that Melvyn remembered the magical amulet his father had given him, the one he used to open portals to new worlds and dimensions. He reached inside his custom-made tactical vest. (Well, it had to be custom-made because they didn’t make combat vests that small!) And pulled out the amulet, a radiant red ruby sparkling at its centre.

“Concentrate, mew must,” Meow-Da instructed. “Focus on the exact time mew left. Magic will do everything else.”

I crouched down in front of Melvyn and looked into his citrine eyes. “Mew can do this,” I said quietly. “Mew have the power to take us back to BBHQ. Just think, there’s no place like home and let your gift do the rest.”

Melvyn gulped and nodded. Meow-Da pointed towards the back wall again and a shimmering golden keyhole appeared in the rock.

Stepping towards the cave wall, the glistening key with its chain glittering in the low light. Melvyn stretched out his paw, lining the key up with the keyhole while he mumbled repeatedly. “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.” He squeezed his eyes tight shut, pushed the key into the lock, and turned it.


          Mogs pulled Pandora back towards the bunker entrance. Miss Warts and Posie were already clambering over the broken summerhouse and headed for the garden.

Winston chased after them, shouting. “Pandora, it’s me, Winston, come back!”

“Don’t look back!” Mogs growled as they turned to run after Posie and Miss Warts.

Leaping over the solidifying silver puddle in the middle of the lawn, they raced towards the gates.

Vera was still swirling above the garden in her nano-particle form. She watched as the three cats and Miss Warts dashed across the garden and then she spied the fourth cat. And she instinctively knew that the fourth feline was something else entirely as the fog changed colour. An ominous red glow permeated the thick mist crackling and fizzing with power.

Beginning another transformation, Vera never took her attention away from the thing masquerading as Winston. Just as she was about to transcend, the Winston-imposter looked up, waved its paw, and Vera was frozen in mid-air.

The nano-particles hung defying gravity for a couple of seconds before falling to the ground like metal hail.

Pandora, Posie, Mogs and Miss Warts had almost reached Main Street when an explosion erupted behind them, flinging them to the ground.

Mogs was badly winded from the force of the blast. He tried to scrabble to his paws, but he fell to the side and landed on his mistress.

Posie lay motionless next to Pandora, who was trying to claw her way across the damp ground towards the tuxedo cat.

The smell of brimstone and burnt, rotten flesh filled the air as a female voice cackled and screeched. “You can’t run!”


          There was a definitive clunk as the key turned and a blaze of golden light filled the cave.

The light shimmered like glittering sunlight rippling on water and spiralled outwards until a doorway way appeared, its edges burning like a ring of fire.

“Hurry we must,” Meow-Da said and stepped through the portal.

“Amber, keep Melvyn with mew. Everybody weapons ready, we don’t know what we’re walking into!” I instructed.

The whine of blasters charging rang out and the sound of safety’s being flicked off brought me a little comfort in that moment. Quickly checking my clip, I slid it back into place and held my Uzi in both paws as I stepped through the portal after Meow-Da.

I prayed to any god that might be listening as I whirled around and around like I was inside a washing machine that we ended up in the right dimension, at the right time in the right place.

As the swirling, whirling and spinning increased, I was quite glad that I hadn’t eaten for a while. A second later, the vortex literally spewed me out, and I landed on wet asphalt surrounded by red glowing fog.   

Parsley, Fudge, Smooch and Humphrey were next to be ejected from the portal, followed by Snowie, Amber and Melvyn.

Bomber, Smoke, Ice and Shadow tumbled out last, landing in a furry heap next to me. “That was lucky,” I said.

“What was?” Humphrey asked.

“That those heavyweights didn’t land on me!” I pointed at the Maine Coons.

Humphrey smirked. “Very true!”

The portal shrank and the glowing golden light got smaller every second until it winked out with a tiny popping sound.

“By all indications, we’re in exactly the right place,” Snowie said as she checked her iPaw tablet. “Vera is offline, though.”

Peering through the dense mist, I realised we were on Main Street, right outside the pub. Almost home, but not quite. I looked at Melvyn and said. “I think we need to have a talk later.”

He grimaced and mumbled an unspeakable under his breath. “Sorry, Uncle Basil, but the pub is so much fun and they have karaoke on Tuesday nights!”

The smell of brimstone and something rotten wafted through the slight breeze, and my hackles quivered as the tang of powerful magic filled the air.

“Where’s Meow-Da?” I asked, suddenly realising one of our party was missing.

Everyone glanced around, but the ancient Sphynx was nowhere to be seen.

“Melvyn, stay here with Amber and Snowie,” I said. “Parsley, Fudge and Smooch, mew go down nextdoor’s garden and get in position further down the drive. Take Smoke and Shadow with mew. Me, Humphrey, Bomber, and Ice will go down Main Street and go in the drive there.”

Snowie said. “Comms are back online. Channel three is a go.”

Everyone tapped their comms units, confirming they were online.

Turning to my nephew, I said. “If this all goes south, I want mew to open another portal and leave with Amber and Snowie.”

Amber looked at me, ready to protest, but I cut her off. “He needs mew and Snowie to look after him.”

She nodded and looked down at the kitten. “Mew can count on us,” she said with finality as she lifted her Uzi and forced a smile at me.

Padding off on silent paws into the thickening red fog, a blast wave suddenly hit me, and I landed roughly on the ground. Luckily, the next-door house took most of the force as the windows shattered and the roof tiles rippled like a wave of dominos.

Bomber was on his paws first, and he pulled me up. Taking a sharp breath, he said, “It looks like we’re right on time.”

Ice was crouched low to the ground as he peered tentatively around the edge of the wall on the driveway. Turning to me, he hissed. “The Red Evil is here.”

Sidling up next to him, I took a quick look and saw Posie, Pandora, Mogs, and Miss Warts flat out on the ground. I growled, as there was no way to get to them and get them to safety.

Tapping my comms unit, I whispered. “Smooch, are mew guys in position?”

The line crackled as Smooch replied. “Almost. We’re level with the garden gate, just about to go through the hedge onto the drive, but that blast knocked Fudge out of the tree and he’s hurt his leg.”

I cursed and then said. “Tell him to lie low and give mew, Shadow, Smoke and Parsley covering fire. I need mew to open fire towards the main gates as Crimsona Ubel is standing right there.”

“Copy that,” Smooch replied.

“But don’t shoot straight down the drive as we’ve got to get Posie, Pandora, Mogs, and Miss Warts to safety, as they’re down. Just distract her long enough for us to grab them.”

“No worries Basil, we’ve got your six,” Smooch replied. “Parsley’s just cut a hole into the hedge with his pantherene claws, and we’re ready to go.”

“On my mark, three, two, one, fire!” I said.

Smooch, Parsley, Shadow and Smoke burst out of the hedge and opened fire towards the main gate and the second I heard the first shot, I raced out, followed by Humphrey, Bomber, and Ice. In the next ten seconds, we’d pulled Pandora, Posie, Miss Warts and Mogs to safety. Well, out of the direct sight of Crimsona Ubel.

“Smooch retreat,” I said into my comms unit.

The gunfire ceased and silence reigned for about a second until Crimsona Ubel realised Pandora was no longer down and out in the driveway, and she let out an ear-piercing screech.

I carefully leaned Pandora against the wall and said. “Are mew ok?” She blinked at me and nodded. Then I checked the status of Mogs, Posie and Miss Warts. They were groaning, but luckily no one had any life-threatening injuries. They were just badly winded.

The Red Evil didn’t want them injured, as that would make the magic less potent.

“Basil,” Smooch said. “That Crimsona thing is headed our way, and she looks really hissed off. Her hands are glowing blood red.”

“Retreat Smooch, back here stat dude!” I said and peered around the edge of the wall again.

I could just see a tall figure striding down the drive through the red swirling fog, and it was headed straight for my team. I opened fire, emptying a full clip in seconds, I reloaded and emptied another one, but the bullets just bounced off her.

Crimsona Ubel turned, stared straight at me with glowing red hands and eyes, and she cackled evilly. “I’m going to love killing you, Basil!”


Claws of Terror ©BionicBasil® Halloween Adventure - Divider

Guys, mew know how we roll, so many apologies to cut it right there, but we will say, fluff me, and fluffing fluff, it’s just so bonkers!!! MOL 

Jumpin' juniper berries, is The Red Evil aka Crimson Ubel really at BBHQ? Yes, she most certainly is!

Where the fluff is Meow-Da? 


What the fluff is going to happen next?

How are mew going to finish this once and for all?

If you would like to read Chapter 20, the very last episode in this thrilling adventure, let us know in the comments, as OH MY CAT, we can't believe we're nearly there!

If you missed yesterday’s really fun Easter Crafting with Cats post, don’t forget to check it out. We’ll be back tomorrow with some more Midweek News.

In the meantime...

Tuesday Tails Stay Fluffy Banner ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at TikTokInstacatTwitter and Facebook



Copyright © 2024 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell  ~ Author & Publisher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialised publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including; content scraping, screenshots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author and publisher. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:

cathrinegarnell @gmail . com 

The right of Cathrine Garnell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. 

All characters, people, places, names of businesses are fictitious and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. 

Except for The B Team as they’re REALLY REAL!


Graphics created with paid licence    

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

**Surprise Rerun** ~ Tuesday Tales ~ Summer BlockBuster 2018 ~ The Clockwurk Labyrinth Chapter 19 **THE FINAL CHAPTER**

Welcome to

Tuesday Tales

Tuesday Tails Summer BlockBuster 2018 - The Clockwurk Labyrinth Chapters 10 ~ 11

this is going to be one crazy-insane rescue oppurration!!!

The Clockwurk Labyrinth 

If mew missed the thrilling start of our latest adventure, here are the catch-up links...

~ Chapter 19 ~ 

The Final Showdown

        I glanced offur my shoulder and looked at my team; they were positioned in a circle almost back to back weapons ready, as Fudge's rescuees hunkered down safely in the middle of our protective ring. 

An eerie chittering noise started and then I heard the buzzing sound of the Yelfs wild hunt getting closer. Taking a breath, I turned to the fuzzy pom pom on my shoulder and whispered to the creature. “Little dude, mew couldn’t have picked a wurse place to be right now.” 

The Old One was strutting around like some self-impawtant god inciting his minions, and I could feel the arrogance and hubris oozing from his inky aura. He believed he was truly invincible.  

He called to his minions, gesturing and postulating. “Am I not lord and dominion here? Am I not your faithful keeper? Have I not cared for all of you here?” 

The creatures made all kinds of weird sounds as they cheered their eveel master. The Wild Hunt was drawing closer and for a moment I wundered what was going to happen when they got here but I decided to wurry about that in roughly 45 seconds. 

“Hey mew ugly freaker!” I shouted as I walked towards The Old One. 

The Old One spun around and snarled at me. “You puny creature, give in now and I may be lenient with you... perhaps let my pets feast upon you and your friends instead of my usual objective.” He pointed behind me at my team and leered, his forked-tongue flicking around his maw with glee. 

My hackles bristled and the pink pom pom chirruped softly in my ear and don’t ask me how but I knew what he said and it was this. “I will help you defeat him, trust me.”  I winked and nodded just a fraction. 

Standing not 10 feet from The Old One I held Humphrey’s katana loosely in my paw and said dryly. “Come on big guy, show me what mew’ve got! I’m only a puny little creature, so let’s get this offur with because I’m really sick of this cesspit!” 

The Old One took a step closer and I could see his glowing red eyes flicker. 

“And while I think about it this cesspit is purrfect for mew, but to be honest, it’s just not my thing...” I grinned my toothiest grin and continued. “Though I can see the allure for mew, a pathetic old has-been who can’t make it in the real wurld of gods, mew have to keep yourself holed up here where there's no competition, no one to challenge mew...” I could see I was pressing some really big buttons now. “These creatures mew’ve got, is that the best mew can do, honestly dude, I’m so disappointed!” 

The Old One shrieked and his minions joined in, and then he made a sweeping gesture and it all went silent again as he snarled. “I’m going to rip your heart out and feast upon it while you look on in your dying moments.” 

I let out a weary sigh and growled. “I’m waiting mew fugly freaker, bring it on!”  I stepped forward; one step, two steps, three steps and halted.  

Something flickered across The Old One's face, I knew that tiny tell only too well; it was uncertainty.  This thing had ruled by absolute fear and now it didn’t know what to make of my show. 

I checked my watch and looked at him. “Tick tock dude, I’m not getting any younger and your minions will think mew’re weak and pathetic because that’s what mew really are, nothing but a cowardly bully and I hate bullies!” 

The Old One lifted his hand and shot a barrage of purple motes at me, but before I could react the pom pom creature placed us inside a glowing pink bubble, like a force-field and the motes fizzled out on contact. 

“That was purretty cool, thanks!” I whispered to the pom pom on my shoulder, it chirruped in reply.

I could see the bafflement spread across The Old One's face as I took 3 more steps towards him. We were now only a swords distance apart as he loomed offur me. 

The chittering began again and I could feel the shift of energy fill the stone circle, it was ambivalence towards their master. I heard Smooch mutter through my comms set that The Wild Hunt were landing and lining the top of the wall above us, he got another pile of grenades out and made ready. I glanced briefly upwards and that's when The Old One reached forward and tried to snatch my new pal off my shoulder and I twisted sharply, ducking under his gnarled hand. 

Changing my grip on the katana, I started to bring it up as inky-black tendrils shot out from The Old Ones aura, trying to wrap me up tighter than a new Mummy in ancient Egypt. 

“Oh no mew don’t!” I heard Pandora shout, and Bast knows what she did but the icy cold tendrils shot back like they’d been zapped with 50,000 volts. 

The Old One stepped back with start, the look on his face was utter outrage tinged with fear and in that moment it gave me the time and room needed to bring the sword up and strike him straight through the heart. He neffur saw it coming. 

His blood-red eyes bulged in abject hatred as the realisation of what had happened filtered through his mind, he looked down at the sword sticking out of his chest and made a grab for it in one gnarled hand, while trying to seize me in his other.  As his hand gripped the blade he growled; his ear-to-ear maw wide open revealing a set of gnashers that would make Jaws weep and said. “You can't hurt me with this worthless trinket!” 

Suddenly the sword began to glow: brilliant white light dazzled filling the arena, blinding The Old One and his minions. They began to wail and screech as the intense glow burned them, though I felt no effect.  The Old One tried to pull it out of his chest, and at that moment I heard something else; singing. It was the most beautiful sound effur to fill my ears and then I realised why Humphreys' sword was called, The Sword of Angels.   

The sword began to tremble in my firm grip as the light dazzled brighter and brighter, and the song of the angels rang out like the most divine aria I’d effur heard, their seraphic chorale resonating throughout the entire labyrinth.  

The Old One screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" As I twisted the blade in his chest; the light briefly intensified, and winked out the moment I withdrew it in one swift motion. The sword was covered in black, steaming ichor as I looked up and met The Old One's gaze. I could see the light dimming in his eyes as he clutched the open wound, the life-blood pumping through his fingers and he stumbled, falling to his knees before me. 

Lifting the blade again, I swung it in a high-arc as the eveel creatures started to bolt fur the exit. Their terrifying howls and cries were deafening as they trampled each other to flee. 

The sword came down and The Old One screamed again; the shriek drowning out effurything else in the labyrinth.   

The blade connected with The Old One's neck; passing completely through the skin, muscle and bone as though it was still gliding through thin-air, his head landing with a rather unceremonious thud a few feet away. 

*    *    * 

       Horice opened the door to BD1 [Bomb Disposal Room 1] and entered still carrying Snowie and Posie. He gently placed them on the ground and said in his soft rumble. “Tis time little ones, we need to be opening that door post-haste.” His trunk gestured towards the eveel Grandfather clock still sitting in the centre of the room, radiating the same sense of smugness. 

“Mew want us to open that door?” Posie asked, her eyes wide. 

Horice nodded and then the strangest thing happened; the orb they’d been searching for suddenly appeared in the room. 

“But that’s the...” Snowie began in shock. 

“Aye little’un that indeed is thee orb,” Horice chuckled softly. “Basil knew ye’d be looking for it and asked me to make certain that ye’d all be together at exactly the right time, and that time is now!”   

“But how are we going to get them out of there and back here?” Posie wundered aloud. 

Snowie was staring at the eveel clock and reached out a tentative paw to touch it.  “STOP!” Horice bellowed and took a step closer, adding in his softer tone. “Miss Snowie, let me be checking it first.” Using his trunk he gingerly touched the clock and was suddenly stuck, completely riveted to the spot. The huge sapphire in his forehead, usually invisible unless he’s using his magick, popped up and began to glow with its ethereal blue light.  “Ahhhhh,” he mused thoughtfully as his psyche fully connected with the clocks’ and the door flew open. When no adverse reaction happened, he withdrew his trunk and instructed. “Now little’uns, throw the orb through the doorway.” 

Without a moment's hesitation, Posie reached up, grabbed the orb which was suspended mid-air and tossed the small, glowing sphere into the eveel dimension through the clocks’ open-door just as it began to chime Midnight. **BONG**

*    *    * 

      The entire labyrinth began to shake with even more vehemence than before.  I turned to see my team opening fire on some of the creatures; who instead of trying to escape with the others, headed our way to take revenge fur their slain master. 

“B Team, we need a way out NOW!” I yelled as walls began to topple and fall all around us. 

Looking up something caught my eye and I raised the blade again but stopped mid-swing when I recognised the object and I smiled inwardly as I knew in that moment Horice, Posie and Snowie had come through and I whooped loudly.  The orb was on a direct course to me and I stretched out my left paw and it landed with a gentle thwump.  I gripped it tightly and its power coursed through me, filling every fibre of my being with a power so old, that there were no wurds to describe other than to say, it was the primal power of the divine Creator himself.  

Amber was trying to make her way towards me when a troll-guard suddenly leapt out of the rubble and thrust a spear at her. Pandora who was following waved her paw to the right and the troll guard tumbled away, the spear falling to the ground as Amber stood stock-still waiting for the inevitable. Two seconds later when she realised that she was in fact, not harpooned or kebabbed she jumped the last remaining steps towards me. “Phew that was close!” she muttered and then said. “Humphrey reckons this place is going to collapse in on itself and we need to go now, any ideas?” 

I opened my paw and she smiled when she saw the orb. “Bloody brilliant Basil!” she grinned and then yelled. “B Team and anyone else that wants to escape, come forward now!” 

The Nisse, Camomile appeared at my side and behind her I could see a rag-taggle assemblage of creatures forming and she said, “Basil these are all the creatures who have been trapped in here, they need a safe-haven.”  I nodded and replied. “Of course they can come with us and I have just the place for them!” 

Fudge was next at my side with his colourful menagerie and, he still had the pom pom creatures on his back and I suddenly remembered the one on my shoulder and glanced to make sure it was still there.  It was and chirruped loudly as Fudge approached, before jumping onto his shoulder and snuggling close.  

Chuffer, Solitaire, GD, Winston and Mad Cat clambered over the fallen columns, followed by Diggs with The B Team bringing up the rear. 

Things were getting decidedly dangerous as the last remaining minions of The Old One tried in vain to avenge their fallen master.  But Smooch, Parsley and Humphrey were having none of it as they unleashed the grenades at them.  **BOOM** **BOOM** **BOOM** They were toast in less time than it took to say, ‘make mine a niptini, shaken not stirred!’ and the last remaining foe was eradicated. 

I could feel the orb start to pulse in my paw and I shouted above the sound of crashing, falling blocks. “Effurypurrdy join paws now, if mew’re not holding onto to somepurrdy who’s holding onto me, mew’ll be left behind!”  Amber gripped my right paw and we both held onto the sword of angels. 

Moments later I could see the creatures all hanging onto each other.  Paw on paw, mitten on mitten as we created an unbreakable chain-loop and I yelled.  “This is the final call for freedom...” I took one last look around the vile labyrinth, at The Old One laying beneath a pile of rubble, The Wild Hunt had vanished and from all indications we were now the only living things left in the crumbling amphitheatre. “Is effurypurrdy holding on tight?” 

I got a definitive yes as a response, and the labyrinth shook with even more vigour as an icy-wind began to whip up and swirl around us.  Dust and debris started to fly in all directions as the wind picked up speed, howling like a demented banshee as it swirled with malevolent intent. 

“Whateffur mew do don’t let go, no matter what happens!” I called, and I closed my eyes and gripped the pulsing orb tightly in my paw.  I concentrated, letting my energy wrap itself around effuryone in the chain until finally the loop was complete and as a single entity we all began to rise off the floor, slowly at furst but then faster and faster we shot skywards towards freedom. 

I felt cold-rushing air bristle my fur in so many disconcerting ways as we hurtled towards a tiny patch of black; the doorway to home high-up in the distance. I glanced down briefly and saw the entire labyrinth folding in on itself and begin sucking effurything in like a black-hole. 

Suddenly I felt a sharp tug backwards, using every ounce of my strength and will-power I propelled us upwards and out of the gravitational pull. “HOLD ON!” I cried out as we zoomed up and were pulled through the open clock-door into BD1. 

Our rag-taggle assemblage crashed in an ungainly heap on the metal-grid floor and I let the breath out I didn’t know I was holding with a definitive whoosh.  Jumping to my paws I spun around trying to avoid all manner of creatures and cats as I rushed towards the Grandfather clock, which by the way was not looking so smug now, and I reached into my inside pocket and pulled out a bag, tossing it through the open clock-door in one smooth movement.  Humphrey was by my side and zapped the bag with his ray gun, slammed the clock door and began to herd everyone out of the room. 

With the room now empty, the door to BD1 closed with a soft whooshing-sound just as the clock struck twelve.

The B Team and I watched with intense curiosity through the bomb-proof windows as the eveel relic began to disintegrate, swirling like a mini-tornado until a few moments later it vanished into the ether with an ear-splitting pop.

Turning to my team, letting out a huge sigh I said. "Dudes, I really need a vay-cay!"



See Mew on Tuesday For The EPILOGUE


The Clockwurk Labyrinth

This is 

 Commander Basil and The B Team
Offur and Out 

Click here to go to the Epilogue

Graphics created with paid licence