Friday, 31 May 2019

Welcome To Our Friday Fluffers Post ~ Showcasing The Best Photo Bloopers From BBHQ ~ Starring Smooch, Melvyn and Posie

Welcome to

Friday Fluffers withThe B Team @BionicBasil®

Happy Friyay Fab Pals

Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would neffur see the light of day, buried deep, deep, deep in the archives on level 12 of our secret bunker, with no chance of effur being seen on the interwebs fur the wurld to see... UNTIL NOW!

Are mew ready fur some fun outtakes from The B Team? Of course mew are

And furst on the podium is Smooch who's enjoying a combo of Halloween and Easter at the same time...

Friday Fluffers with The B Team @BionicBasil® Smooch's Best Blooper Week 3

And he's really getting stuck in!

Next up, Melvyn got a little close to the camera...

Friday Fluffers with The B Team @BionicBasil® Melvyn's Best Blooper Week 3

 He's got a giant head and iddy biddy body! MOL

And finally, Angel Posie is here, although she wishes she wasn't with this... not her best pawtrait.

Friday Fluffers with The B Team @BionicBasil® Posie's Best Blooper Week 3

Did mew know we used to call her, Miss Grizzle? But don't let her know we told mew that! MOL

We do hope mew enjoyed today's pics and we'll be back next Friyay with more funny photos. Also there's a new puzzle fur mew on my Puzzle Page, as mew know how impawtant it is to keep up your Brain Training offur the summer jolly's.

Join us tomorrow when it's my birthday pawty and again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection... in the meantime

Keep calm, and purr on

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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Wednesday, 29 May 2019

3rd Annual Kitty Memorial Show, Melvyn's Favourite Place at BBHQ and Amber's New Angry insta Account on The Pet Parade #302 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Furstly we'd like to tell mew about the epically epic slide-show tribute fur all the recently, and not so recently departed rainbow kitties that our pawesome pals Peaches and Paprika created fur Memorial Day on Monday. 

So if mew haven't seen it already, just click the link below and go leave a comment.  I, Wing Commander Basil was also included, thank mew furry much ladies fur remembering me! 

Peaches & Paprika's Memorial Slide Show 

Melvyn has a new favourite place at BBHQ, the basket at the top of the stairs!

Melvyn's Favourite Place at BBHQ @BionicBasil®

Who wants to tickle that tummy? 

And finally, mew remember last weeks post, when we said a sad farewell to Grumpy Cat?  Of course mew do!  Well we were wundering who could pawsibly be a contender to rise up in the kitty echelons of fame and we discovered these rather cute but grumpy/angry/scowling kitties who mew may, or may not have heard about: 

Meet Garfi


Pompous Albert




Aftur seeing so much grumpiness we decided that Amber needed her very own instacat page, as we thought she'd fit in beautifully with the bad tempered grumpy vibe. Oh, and she doesn't know we've set her up an account yet ~ SURPRISE! 

So if mew want to follow her solo account, here it is:


Can you go and like her picture purrlease, as yesterday it only had 3 likes? And if we show her that, it'll make her even angrier! MOL

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

We'll be here on Friday with our next Fluffers post, so do stop by and join us then, in the meantime...

Keep calm, and purr on

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

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Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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Monday, 27 May 2019

Welcome To 8 Things About... And Today It's All About Fudge

Welcome to

WOO HOO pawesome furriends

Today as we suddenly ran out of time we're reposting 8 Things About... FUDGE  from last June [2018]

So what's this 8 Things About??! we hear mew ask.  Well fabulous furriends it could be 8 things about anything, but today it's all about... he's the youngest** [**Mevyn now takes this position] memfur of The B Team and has only been on the blog just offur a year, so we thought we'd share a bit more about him today.

8 Things About Fudge

1.  He loves Dreamies aka Temptations, really loves them, in fact he'll meow incessantly to get some.  He also knows that effury morning when the P.A. is just about to leave the house fur work and is getting her lunch ready that is the optimum time to ask, and ye shall receive! MOL

2.  Fudge is obsessed with water; when he furst arrived in Mewton-Clawson and was able to have the run of the house, he'd sit by any of the sinks to catch the drips, he would even sit on the edge of the shower to lap up a few drops. He loves to drink from: the watering cans, the burdbaths, puddles, the pond, and a small upright fountain on the patio, etc...

3.  He also likes to go eat from effurypurrdy's dish at mealtimes, and he loves to lick the jelly, gravy or sauce off the meaties and then move on to another dish.

4.  Fudge isn't the brightest memfur of The B Team, in fact I think he's a couple of sammiches short of a picnic, but his lack of brainpower is made up fur in FLOOF!  He has the most magnificent tail, and MommaKat & Bear do make us laugh hysterically when they call it: Fudge's Vaguely Pornographic Tail, though we can totally understand why! MOL MOL

5.  He also loves to climb, he zooms up the trees in the garden and especially the one in the courtyard, which he uses as a springboard onto the roof, where he subsequently gets stuck and the P.A. has to lure him down with a bag of Dreamies! MOL

6.  Fudge is furry kind, there's not a mean bone in him.  He loves to snuggle and likes to get curled up in bed. He can be furry demanding when he wants attention, fur example; anything the P.A. is reading gets knocked out of the way, the cell phone has to be put down immediately fur him to have his pat needs met, and if the P.A. is in the office he'll pat her leg or arm with his paw and if that doesn't stop her from typing he then sits on the keyboard:-

 'hhhhjhjjjkkkl;l;';ooouiiiiiiiuuuuuuuyyytttffffffmmmmmkkkkkwwvvvvvvvgggggg!' typed Fudge! MOL 

7.  He has the hairiest paws out of the entire B Team.

8.  Lastly I think he's made such an epically epic addition to The B Team and his training at our Kitty Commando Training Academy is coming along fantastically.  He's now proficient in most weapons, he can drive most of the vehicles on site and is currently learning how to drive my new Unimog, he can even use the winch... how pawesome is that? 

And that sadly brings us to the end of 8 Things About Fudge... we do hope mew enjoyed getting to know him a bit more and we'll be back on Wednesday with The Pet Parade.

If mew missed any of our previous '8 Things About' posts, here are the links so far, as we still four more to go in this series:

Thanks so much fur visiting today

Pawesome purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

 graphics created with paid licence and

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Purrfectly Random Selfies with All The B Team at BBHQ on The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop & Fudge Had A Little Medical Emergency

BBHQ The B Team Sunday Selfies @BionicBasil ®

Fabulous greetings pawesome pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and today our theme is:

Purrfectly Random Selfies

Chosen from our top picks on our instacat feed this week

Angel Basil's Gorgeous Close-Up Selfie @BionicBasil® The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Amber's Library Selfie @BionicBasil® The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Melvyn's Sleeping Selfie @BionicBasil® The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Parsley's Gargoyle Selfie @BionicBasil® The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Fudge's Rather Formal Selfie @BionicBasil® The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Pandora & Furriend 
Pandora's new pal and Selfie @BionicBasil® The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Smooch's Laid-back Selfie @BionicBasil® The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Those of mew who follow us on instagram may have seen on Friday afturnoon that Fudge had a little medical emergency.

He'd been outside in the garden for about an hour, when he appeared in the craft room where the P.A. was wurking on a new project and she noticed his left eye was shut tight.

So she carried him into the house and gently bathed his eye, but he still didn't want to open it.  So a phone call was made to the vet and he was rushed up the Pawspital a few minutes later and luckily he was furst in.

The vet thoroughly examined his eye, put some dye in it to show anything that may have been lurking and then gave him some drops to ease the sudden irritation/discomfort.  He's now having the eye drops twice a day for a few more days just to be sure that whatever was causing the issue is gone.

He's doing so much better and his eye was open yesterday morning and he seems to be on the mend, which is such a relief.

We still aren't sure what caused it, we're just so relieved our little ginger ninja is ok.

Here's hoping mew all have an epic Bank Holiday weekend and the sun is shining where effur mew are and we'll be back tomorrow so hope to see mew then.

Wishing mew a supurr chilled day with lots of snoozy snuggles

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & The B Team

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil®  on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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