Alone In The Dark
Leaves rustled in the trees above as the chill wind hissed
with eerie malevolence. The kitten sat frozen still in the deepest, darkest shadows as
the air around him burst with danger. His golden eyes darted all around,
checking one last time that he was alone. Taking a deep breath, he sank soundlessly
to the ground before springing forward into the open and darting through the
overgrown garden, leaping over dead shrubs and piles of ancient leaves and other debris.
Careening around the back of the dilapidated summerhouse and
slipping on a slick of stinking dead, wet leaves, his eyes locked on what he’d
been searching for, the BBHQ bunker entrance. He wanted to shriek with joy but
clamped a paw tight over his mouth as the last thing he wanted to do was to
give his location away.
Racing into the dark cavernous maw of the bunker entrance, the
kitten’s apprehension grew as he realised there was no one home, and he was
Guys, we are sorry to cut it there, but we know mew don't have much time to read a saga today.
If mew would like to read Chapter Two, let us know in the comments, as we've got a feeling this is going to develop into an epic adventure. (And another one that isn't quite written yet! MOL)
However, if mew want to see where it goes, we'll gladly continue a chapter a week, but that is up to mew.
In the meantime, if possible, don't forget to...
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Copyright © 2024 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell ~ Author & Publisher
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deardrbasil @gmail . com
The right of Cathrine Garnell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.
All characters, people, places, and names of businesses are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental.
Graphics created with paid licence www.canva.com
The Purrminator character created with Ai Arta